Travis Thompson's Upcoming Professional Presentations

Upcoming Events
March 18, 2014: Managing Compulsive and Anxiety Related Behavior in Autism. A workshop For Practitioners, Parents and Professionals 8:30am-noon. Opportunity Village Autism Center. Clear Lake, Iowa
May 21-23, 2014. SABA Board and ABAI Council Meetings. ABAI Conference. Hyatt Regency Hotel, Chicago, IL
June 16-20, 2014 Graduate Course: Integrative Behavior Analysis, at University of Nevada, Reno. Questions: Larry Williams. [email protected]
Dr. Thompson speaks to organizations as his schedule permits. If your group is interested please contact him at: or [email protected] It may be possible to combine case consultations with workshop presentation visits. Please discuss this with Dr. Thompson before beginning to plan such a visit.
FYI: Dr. Thompson will not be accepting speaking engagements taking place during December 2013 and January 2014