Thompson Books & Articles

UPDATED 6-7-12



Making Sense of AutismStraight Talk on AutismFreedom from Meltdowns

RECENT BOOKS (of 30 books)

Thompson, T. (2007) Making Sense of Autism. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Thompson, T. (2008)
Dr. Thompson's Straight Talk On Autism. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. See Review in Journal of Autism an Developmental Disorders (2010) 40:1169-70]

Thompson, T. (2008)
Freedom from Meltdowns: Dr. Thompson's Solutions for Children with Autism. Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. [See Amazon Editorial and Customer reviews]

Thompson, T. and Collaborators (2011)
Individualized Autism Intervention for Young Children: Blending Discrete Trial and Naturalistic Approaches. Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co. [See Amazon Customer Reviews]

ARTICLES AND CHAPTERS (of 239, from most recent at the top)

Thompson. T. (2012) Autism research and services for young children: progress and challenges. Journal of Applied Research on Intellectual Disabilities (in press)

Thompson, T. (2012) Joseph V. Brady: The Pluripotent Progenitor of Behavior Analytic Neuroscience. The Behavior Analyst (In press)

Thompson, T, Barsness, L, Anderson, C, Bohannan, A, Burggraff, B and Dropik, P. (under review) Individualized Intensive Early Behavioral Intervention for Young Children with Autism: Predictors of Type of Treatment and Outcomes. [under review]

Thompson, T. (2010) Translational applied behavior analysis and neuroscience. In G.J. Madden, W.V. Dube, G.P. Hanley, T. Hackenberg, & K.A. Lattal (Eds.) APA handbook of behavior analysis. Washington DC. American Psychological Association. (in press)Thompson, T

Thompson, T. and Hackenberg, TD (2009) Introduction: Translational Science Lectures.
The Behavior Analyst, 32: 269-71. [based on a symposium on Stimulus Control in Autism at the 2009 ABAI conference in Phoenix, AZ]

Thompson, T. (2009) Review of K. Chawarska, A. Klin and F. Volkmar (Editors) "Autism Spectrum Disorders in Infants and Toddler: Diagnosis, Assessment and Treatment." Guilford Publishers.
Journal of Clincial Psychiatry. 70: 1330.

Thompson, T. (2009) Review of Fred R. Volkmar and Lisa A. Wiesner, “ A practical guide to autism: What every parent, family member and teacher needs to know.” New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Volume 40.

Thompson, T. (2009) Autism and Prader-Willi Syndrome: Searching for Shared Endophenotypes, Chapter 18 in B.K.Shapiro and P.J. Accardo (Editors) "
Neurobehavioral Disorders: Science and Practice." Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.

Thompson, T. (2008) Self-Awareness: Behavior Analysis and Neuroscience.
The Behavior Analyst. 31: 137-144.

Thompson, T. (2008) Theoretical anticipation: A multi-generational case study.
The General Psychologist, 43: 32-38. [Based on APA Hilgard Award Address]

Thompson, T. (2008) Functional Analysis of Behavior and Neuroscience. in J. Burgos and E-I. Ribes (Editors)
Brain-Behavior Nexus: Conceptual Issues: Proceedings of the 10th Biannual Symposium on the Science of Behavior. University of Guadlajara. Guadalajara, Mexico.

Thompson, T. and Hollon, S.D. (2008) Behavioral and cognitive behavioral interventions. Pages 141-151, Chapter 10 in M.H. Ebert, P.T. Loosen, & B. Nurcombe (Eds.),
Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Psychiatry, 2nd Edition. New York: Appelton & Lange.

Thompson, T. Moore, T. and Symons, F. (2007) Psychotherapeutic Medications and Positive Behavior Support, Chapter 25 in: Odom, S., Horner, R., Snell, M., & Blacher, J., Editors,
Handbook on Developmental Disabilities. Guilford Press.

Thompson, T. (2007) Relations among functional systems in behavior analysis.
Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 87: 423-4

Thompson, T. (2005) Paul E. Meehl and B.F.Skinner: Autitaxia, Autitypy and Autism.
Behavior and Philosophy 33: 101-131

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